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IT ExchangeNet Facilitates Sylogist's Acquisition of Information Strategies, Inc.

CLEVELAND, May 4, 2020 -​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Sylogist Ltd. (SYZ.V) is pleased to announce the acquisition of Information Strategies, Inc. (InfoStrat).

The transaction was facilitated by IT ExchangeNet (ITX), a global leading Microsoft channel mergers and acquisitions firm. InfoStrat is the tenth Microsoft partner transaction closed in the last two and a half years by ITX.

CEO Jim Townsend said, “IT ExchangeNet offers unique insights and relationships for buyers and sellers in the Microsoft partner community. InfoStrat was seeking a buyer that valued public sector customers, and ITX found the perfect fit from its network of thousands of qualified buyers. We are grateful to the ITX team for their speed and diligence. InfoStrat is now in a position to grow with the best possible partner.”

Based in Washington DC, InfoStrat is a long-established, profitable business catering to federal and state government and not-for-profit/NGO organizations throughout the United States. InfoStrat, a Microsoft Gold partner, provides software solutions and professional services based on its proprietary intellectual property that uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 at its core. InfoStrat is highly regarded for its enterprise level case management, grantor money management and justice solutions. InfoStrat’s deep relationship with Microsoft will be broadened as part of the Sylogist organization.

InfoStrat will be integrated into the Sylogist operations with a goal to market, implement and support their ERP and CRM based solutions for public sector and not-for-profit customers in the United States and Canada.

About ITX

Founded in 1998 by technology CEOs and M&A professionals, IT ExchangeNet (ITX) is an organized and efficient marketplace for owners of mid-market IT businesses seeking buyers or strategic partners. IT ExchangeNet follows a disciplined and highly targeted process, bringing global buyers and sellers together.

Focusing on smaller companies that are historically ignored by large investment banks and M&A advisors, specific segments of the IT industry served include: Managed IT Services, MSSPs, software as a Service (SaaS), Hosting, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Cyber Security, IT Services, Software Development, and Big Data.

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